$500K to $1M
The Nhulunbuy Airstrip Facility Upgrade Project presented DJC Build with the unique opportunity to enhance the airport facilities in the remote community of Ngukurr. With vital support from the Northern Land Council (NLC) and the Budal Milwarapara-Yutpundji traditional owners, DJC Build worked collaboratively to design and construct a new structure that addressed the community's specific needs. This close partnership ensured that the project was culturally appropriate and functionally effective, delivering a facility that would serve the community well.
The newly constructed facility significantly improves shade, airflow, and essential amenities, comfortably accommodating up to 40 people regularly. One of the standout features of this project was its focus on sustainability and self-sufficiency, as the facility's power source is entirely off-grid and its water supply is independent, a critical consideration given the remote location. This upgrade not only enhances the user experience at the airstrip but also reflects a thoughtful approach to sustainable design in a challenging environment.
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DJC Build
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